- Entry Requirements
No previous knowledge required.
- What does the course involve?
The course will cover sketching, part modelling, assemblies (and sub-assemblies) and drawing creation. Areas are described and demonstrated with suitable practical exercises given for the student to work through in class.
- How is the course assessed?
Student self-assessment
- Additional Notes
Students should bring a USB flash drive for storing files.
As a student you will be eligible to download a free student version of the software to load onto your home computer. The student licence will run for 12 months.
- Other Details
This course has no qualification attached and as such can be structured to meet the needs of the students attending.
- What do I do next?
If you meet the entry requirements for this course, please use the Register my Interest or Enrol button or contact Part-time Admissions on 01743 653333 to organise enrolment. If you are still undecided about the course most suitable for you, please drop into one of our advice events ring Part-time Admissions on 01743 653333, use our live chat facility, or email courseadvice@scg.ac.uk
3D CAD with Solidworks
- Flexible Start
- London Road Campus
- Flexible
- Part Time
- Tuition Fee £425.00
Tuition fees stated are the annual cost - PLR0CAS001(2425A)