We have a brand new iMac Production Suite which features 21.5” iMacs, each with controller keyboards and Scarlett audio interfaces. Each computer features industry standard DAW software, such as Avid Pro Tools and Apple Logic Pro X. Along with the larger production suite, a smaller breakout room with iMacs has been created to facilitate project work whilst the production suite is in use.

The department features three recording studios, along with dedicated control rooms. Studio 1 features an Allen & Heath Zed r16 hybrid mixing console, Rokit 6 studio monitors and sub speaker and a patch bay with a valve pre-amp, valve compressor and multi effects unit. Each studio also features a 27” iMac with Pro Tools and Logic Pro X. Each live room features an acoustic drum kit, a wide range of bass, electric and acoustic guitars and keyboards, including a Roland Juno. Bass, electric and acoustic amplifiers are also available in each room.

We have a wide range of microphones to choose from, allowing for a wide range of recording projects to be undertaken. This includes industry favourites the Shure SM58 and SM57 along with AKG D112, Shure drum microphone sets and specialist microphones including SE Electronics SEX1R, Zoom Portable recorder and a RØDE NT2-A. Our PA system runs HK Audio tops and sub speakers via a Behringer X Air, controlled by laptop, phone or tablet computer. We also have Pioneer XDJ-RX2 all-in-one mixing console, Roland V-Drums, Roland SH-201 synthesisers, electronic drum machines and loop-stations.