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Apprentices and adult trainees need to take the Achievement Measurement 2 test. This industry-recognised qualification demonstrates that they have the skills employers need. The AM2S is the End Point Assessment for candidates on an Electrical Installation Apprenticeship Standard. The course includes composite installation, inspection & testing of the composite installation and safe isolation of supplies. It also covers fault diagnosis, fault rectification and assessment of applied knowledge.

AM2S / AM2 Assessment Centre

AM2 Assessment

The AM2 should be taken by electrotechnical apprentices training against the Apprenticeship Framework, those undertaking the JIB Mature Candidate Assessment and those following the Level 3 NVQ who are not apprentices.

Apprentices who are enrolled on the Apprenticeship Standard should undertake the AM2S assessment.


AM2S Assessment

The AM2S should be taken by electrotechnical apprentices who are training against the Apprenticeship Standard.

Apprentices who are enrolled on the Apprenticeship Framework, or those on the Level 3 NVQ or the JIB Mature Candidate Assessment should undertake the AM2 assessment.


AM2E Assessment

The AM2E is for experienced workers completing the Experienced Worker Assessment (EWA).

It can only be taken once you have gained the Experienced Worker Qualification - you will have to supply proof of this qualification before you can book the assessment.


AM2S / AM2 Test

The test is for apprentices nearing the end of their electrical installation framework. By taking the AM2 exam you will show that you have a level of competence expected by the industry.

AM2S / AM2 Entry Requirements

  • Candidates will need basic underpinning knowledge and practical skills in all the assessment areas specified
  • The candidate self-assessment checklist must be completed before undertaking the assessment
  • Candidates should be working towards a Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Electrical Installation.

AM2S / AM2 course assessement

Sections A, B and C are practical assessments completed under controlled conditions. Section D is an online multiple-choice exam. All sections are open book and you will have access to all permitted reference material.

Test Fees as of 1st April 2025


Pre-assessment Training Day


Initial Assessment

Full assessment (including fee)

AM2                 £ 860.00

AM2S/AM2E    £ 935.00

Resits only

Section A1


A2 - 1 Build section


A2 - 2 Build sections


A2 - 3 Build sections


A2 - 4 Build sections


A2 - 5 Build sections (AM2S & AM2E only)


Section B


Section C


Section D


Section E


Please Note: An administration fee of £80 will be added to the total cost of a re-sit. Discounts are available for multiple section resits.

Refresher Course

We provide a Pre-Assessment Training Day to prepare candidates for the test. Topics include safe isolation, SY, SWA, lighting circuits, testing and fault finding. It will also cover completing test paperwork (EIC). 

Book Your Place

To book a place on the AM2 or AM2S Assessment course, ring 01743 653333 or email