Teacher at whiteboard explaining accounting equations to class

Accounting students pass exams with results way above national average.

A group of accounting students at Shrewsbury Colleges Group have passed their exams with a 100% pass rate, when the national pass rate for this subject is 67%.

On Thursday, March 6, the class of 22 Level 3 students studying for the AAT Diploma in Accounting received their results, with three students getting distinctions and six achieving merits.

Proud SCG Accounting teacher Donna Lester, said:

‘In the past, I've often had four or five students not quite pass the exam, so this time I set out to give the students all the guidance, tools, tips, tricks, motivation and resources I could think of to give them the best chance of passing.’

She added: ‘The students worked really hard, especially in the lesson before the exam. There was some intense revision going on!’

Anyone interested in the diverse career opportunities that accounting provides can visit our website, which includes information on the courses we offer at levels 2 through to the Level 4 AAT Diploma in Professional Accounting, in the internationally known and respected Association of Accounting Technicians qualification.