- How much does it cost?
If you are aged 19 or over you may have to pay some tuition fees. This can be clarified by ringing Admissions on 01743 342346.
- Who is it for?
A Supported Internship is a Study Programme for students with an EHCP which is focused on giving you the skills and experience that employers are looking for to help you progress to suitable employment, Traineeships or Apprenticeships.
- Entry Requirements
You will need to hold an Educational, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) that has been issued by your Local Authority. There are no formal academic entry requirements as you will work at your own level, however, a literacy level of at least Entry 1 is advisable. All candidates will be interviewed for suitability. You must be fully committed, reliable and punctual.
- What does the course involve?
If you need support to decide on your future plans, have few or no formal qualifications, or need to build confidence before your next step, we can offer you a flexible, tailored study programme that caters for a range of interests.
Your study programme will include employability skills, preparation for adulthood, English and Maths, work experience and the option of other enrichment activities from the wide selection available in college. You will study English and Maths if you do not have a grade 4 or above.
You will attend a work placement for at least two days a week, with supported job coaching as appropriate, where you will have the opportunity to complete work experience with clear objectives, regular feedback, and support in moving towards further study or work.
- How is the course assessed?
You will produce a folder of assessed work throughout the course as well as developing your employability skills in the workplace.
- Additional Notes
You will also be able to gain a Level 1 or 2 Certificate, depending on your level of study. Progression routes are employment, an apprenticeship or voluntary work.
Enrichment activities include rugby, basketball, archery, netball, football, rock climbing and more. Kit and equipment are mandatory in all practical sessions. Please enquire at your interview.
- Other Details
The course is made up of Level 1 or 2 Employability Skills Certificate, Functional Skills or GCSE in English & Maths as appropriate.
If you are interested in a Supported Internship in the NHS please look at our Project Search Supported Internship programme.
- What do I do next?
You can apply online via the APPLY button. You can also apply for a second, alternative programme of study such as A Levels via a separate application. If after reading this factsheet, you are still undecided about the course most suitable for you, please drop into one of our open evenings, ring the Admissions Department on 01743 653111, or email admissions@scg.ac.uk
Supported Internship
- Starts 1 September 2025
- London Road Campus
- 38 Weeks
- Vocational Full Time
- FLR0SIN(2526)