Date | 17th January 2022 |
Time | 5.32 pm |
Minutes Membership | In attendance by electronic device and contributing towards the meeting quorum, in accordance with Instrument 12. (Members may count towards the quorum if they are able to be present by electronic or digital communication (including attendance by video conferencing or telephone conferencing). B. Greenaway and R. Wilson (Chair). Attending by Invitation Ms. S Szulczewski, Associate Business Manager – Education Practice, Peridot Partners, for Minute Number 30/20. Candidate for Parent Governor Opportunities (Minute Number 30/20) In Attendance Clerk to the Board, T. Cottee |
Apologies | J. Staniforth (Principal/CEO) |
30/20. Declarations of Interest
A Allen declared a standing interest as an employee of Harper Adams University.
31/20. Board Vacancies and Succession Planning (Confidential Appendices – Agenda Item 3)
Ms. S Szulczewski, Associate Business Manager – Education Practice,
Peridot Partners, in attendance.
The Committee acknowledged that, in addition to the vacancy for a Safeguarding Link Governor from January 2021, due to a recent resignation, there was currently one Independent Governor Vacancy on the Board, and there would be two further Independent Governor vacancies from January 2021. (S&G Min No 24/20 refers).
In accordance with the timetable agreed for the search and recruitment of the Safeguarding Link Governor (S&G Min. No. 24/20 refers), the Committee Chair, Principal/CEO, Board Vice-Chair and the Current Safeguarding Link Governor had met with Ms. Szulczewski on 02 December 2020, by remote meeting, to consider applications sourced through Peridot’s search activity. Having considered carefully the applications against the Board’s skills requirements, a shortlist of three candidates to invite for informal interview at a Special meeting of the Committee, had been agreed. All shortlisted candidates accepted the invitation to attend the Special meeting.
All three candidates had also taken up the opportunity to meet informally the Principal/CEO and Board Chair, to receive a briefing on the College from the Principal/CEO.
Having conducted the informal meeting and due diligence checks, the Committee interviewed formally the prospective candidates sourced by Peridot, based on assessment of a submitted CV and application (previously circulated) for each candidate.
The meeting adjourned at 4.38 p.m.
Ms Szulczewski left the meeting at this point.
The meeting resumed at 5.05 p.m.
A Allen joined the meeting at this point. As he had not been present for the previously held formal interviews, he did not participate in the formal
interview held from this point.
The Committee at this point, interviewed formally an additional candidate who had submitted an application directly to the Board and which the Committee had agreed should be invited to meet informally the Principal/CEO and Board Chair, to discuss the Board’s requirements and the expected role and responsibilities prior to interview (S&G Min. No. 24/20 refers).
Having conducted the informal meeting and due diligence checks, the Committee interviewed formally the prospective candidate, based on assessment of a submitted CV and application (previously circulated).
The Committee, having conducted the interviews, referred to the Board Governor Person Specification the current Board Skills Audit (previously circulated). Having considered the skills and experience of each candidate, the future skills requirements of the Board and to maintain quality governance, the Committee made the following recommendations –
Resolved: It was recommended to Board that –
- J. Sharrock be appointed to the Independent Governor Vacancy (Safeguarding Link Governor) with effect from 01 January 2021, (C. Gore retires 31/12/2020) for a Term of four years and be appointed to the Quality, Standards & Curriculum Committee.
- J. Rowe be appointed to the Independent Governor Vacancy with effect from 15 December 2020, (existing vacancy permits immediate start) for a Term of four years and be appointed to the Quality, Standards & Curriculum Committee.
Further to S&G Min. No 24/20, the Committee considered an application received for an Independent Governor opportunity (completed application pack previously circulated) from a current co-opted committee member.
Having considered carefully the Board’s succession plan, skills audit, the future skills requirements of the Board, the contribution and attendance of the co-opted committee member and to maintain quality governance, the Committee
Resolved: It was recommended to Board that G. Mills be appointed to the Independent Governor Vacancy with effect from 01 January 2021, for a Term of four years and be appointed to the Finance & Business Operations Committee.
Action: Item to Board
The meeting concluded at 6.15 p.m.