Date | 16th October 2023 |
Time | 5.00pm |
Minutes Membership | In attendance A Benghiat, S. Greco, R. Harrison, A. Hodson, J. Hoyland, A Prichard, R. Sartain, W. Saveker, C. Sharp, J. Staniforth (Principal/Chief Executive, M. Thompson, P. Tucker and R. Wilson. In attendance through remote access by Teams Prof J. Barratt A Caesar-Homden |
In Attendance | Members of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT): M. Brown, Vice Principal, Quality, Apprenticeships & Information (VP – Q, A & I) M. Laws, Vice Principal, Technical & Vocational Education (VP – T&VE) D. Lucas, Vice Principal, People (VP – P) S. McAlinden, Vice Principal, Students (VP, S) P. Partridge, Executive Director of Finance (EDoF) C. Sears, Vice Principal, A Levels Studies (VP, AL) T. Cottee - Clerk to the Board |
Apologies | G. Mills and N. Stitch. |
43/23. Declarations of Interest
- M. Thompson, with respect to Minute Number 47/23. He withdrew from the meeting during consideration of the item at which his application for a second term was considered.
44/23. Minutes of Board Meeting Held 10 July 2023 (Appendices – Agenda item 3)
Resolved: That the Minutes of the meetings held on 10 July 2023, be approved as a true record.
45/23. Matters Arising
The P/CEO referred to the recent tragic deaths of two college students, of which governors had been previously advised. He explained that the college had worked to support not only those students and staff directly affected but also the wider college community, as the deaths had occurred within a short period of time of each other. The VP, S explained the support offered to students, including access to the Student Assistance Programme, funded by the Radbrook Foundation. The VP, P explained how staff were being supported both generally and directly, including providing access to a supervision counsellor. The college had also circulated resources to staff on how to talk to students about the issues raised by the deaths. These initiatives had been received positively. The P/CEO added that, sadly, a member of staff had also recently died, compounding the effect for the college. He thanked the SLT and staff for their professionalism, commitment and support during this difficult time. The Board Chair echoed this on behalf of the Board.
46/23. Chair’s Announcements
The Chair –
- Welcomed those present to the first Board meeting of the Academic Year.
- Welcomed W. Saveker, the Student Governor (16 – 19) and Staff Governor elect, S. Greco to their first Board meeting.
- Governors had already attended college events held this Term, including Shrewsbury Pride and the Post-16 Options Roadshow.
- The next Learning Walk would be on the college’s higher education provision.
- Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023 - it was expected that all governors completed the mandatory development by the set deadline.
- The Governor/Employer Lunch, the launch of the Governor Community and Employer Liaison Programme, would be held in Origins Restaurant, London Road Campus on 24 October 2023.
- Student Union Executive (SUE) dates - governors were again invited to attend SUE meetings being held in 2023/24. In addition, the SUE invited governors to the first full student representative meetings, which would start from 27 November 2023.
Chair’s Actions
47/23. Change to Agenda Order
The following items were presented, to complete the process for appointments to the Board.
48/23. Search & Governance Committee 11 October 2023 - Appointments to Board (Agenda Item 8.b.i)
16 – 19 Student Governor
Following a Notice of Vacancy, the Clerk had received a Valid Nomination to the Staff Governor (Academic cohort) position, which become vacant from 15 August 2023.
Resolved that: S. Greco be appointed as the Staff Governor (Academic cohort) for a Four-Year Term from 17 October 2023 to 31 October 2027.
Action: Clerk to support newly appointed governor in Induction.
Independent Governor Appointment
M. Thompson declared and interest in this item and left the meeting at this point.
Further to S&G Min. No. 11/23, the Committee had considered the appointment of M. Thompson, whose First Term as an Appointed Governor ended in November 2023, for a Second Term.
Having considered the Board’s current skills analysis, Mr Thompson’s skills, knowledge and experience, committee involvement and record of attendance during his First Term, the Committee unanimously had agreed to recommended to Board that he be appointed for a Second Term of 4 years from 01 December 2023 to 30 November 2027 (i.e., to run consecutively on the completion of his First Term).
Resolved that: M. Thompson be appointed for a Second Term of 4 years from 01 December 2023 to 30 November 2027 (i.e., to run consecutively on the completion of his First Term) and be appointed to the Audit Committee.
Action: Clerk to record Second Term appointment.
Mr Thompson returned to the meeting at this point.
Application for Governor Opportunity
Further to S&G Min. No. 11/13, when the Committee had reviewed the current Board Opportunity Wait List, one candidate was available for interview. The candidate had passed Due Diligence Checks and had met informally with the P/CEO. Following the informal meeting, the candidate had been recommended for formal interview.
The Committee had therefore interviewed formally the shortlisted candidate, based on an assessment of a submitted CV and application form/skills audit.
Having considered the skills and experience of the candidate, particularly their extensive experience in the education sector, incorporating learning and skills, the future skills requirements of the Board and to maintain quality governance, the Committee had recommended to Board that J. Vernon be appointed as a co-opted committee member to the Quality, Standards & Curriculum Committee and Search & Governance Committee with effect from 17 October 2023.
Resolved that: J. Vernon be appointed as a co-opted committee member to the Quality, Standards & Curriculum Committee and Search & Governance Committee with effect from 17 October 2023.
Action: Clerk to support newly appointed governor in Induction.
Application for Parent Governor Opportunity
The candidate had passed Due Diligence Checks and had met informally with the P/CEO. Following the informal meeting, the candidate had been recommended for formal interview.
The Committee had interviewed formally the shortlisted candidate, based on an assessment of a submitted CV and application form/skills audit.
Having considered the skills and experience of the candidate, particularly with to the candidate’s extensive experience in strategic management and finance, the skills requirements of the Board and to maintain quality governance, the Committee had recommended to Board that M. Hartland be appointed as a Parent Governor for a Three-Year Term with effect from 17 October 2023 to 31 October 2026, and be appointed to the Finance & Business Operations Committee.
Resolved that: M. Hartland be appointed as a Parent Governor for a Three-Year Term with effect from 17 October 2023 to 31 October 2026, and be appointed to the Finance & Business Operations Committee.
Action: Clerk to support newly appointed governor in Induction.
49/23. Principal/CEO’s Report (Confidential Appendix – Agenda item 7)
The Board had been given the opportunity to view in advance the P/CEO’s overview of 2022 - 23 and strategic issues for 2023 - 2024. This presentation set out in detail information on:
- Staff
- Long Service Awards – 10 Years’ Service
- Staff Examination Success
- Review of 2022 – 23
- Context July 2021 & July 22 & July 23: Students and curriculum
- 2022 – 23 General Targets
- Review of 2023
- A Levels
- Extended Diplomas
- Other advanced qualifications
- High Needs and College Ready
- GCSE Results
- Progression into Higher Education: Academic and Vocational
- Adult Work and Apprenticeships
- Higher Education
- Teaching & Development
- Enrichment
- Student Support, Safeguarding & WellBeing
- Sport
- Estates Summer Works
- I.T. Summer Programme
- Capital Grants
- Energy Efficiency and Sustainability
- Planning for 2023/24
- Policy Landscape
- Finance, Funding & Pay
- Local Challenges
- Change in National Policy Direction?
- Recruitment
- Planning for the Future
- General Targets
The P/CEO made the following additional observations –
- Staff Long Service Awards – 25 years’ service. Six staff had reached this significant milestone and their long service would be recognised with an additional one-off payment and a celebratory event at the end of the year.
- Additional Funding Allocation – the college had been granted additional funding which would be used to fund the pay awards currently under negotiation and to provide additional classes, as the college had enrolled more students for 2023/24.
- Pay Award – the college was now able to fund a 6.5% pay award and, should current pay negotiations conclude successfully on this basis, would be paid to staff in November.
- The 2023 – 24 Policy Landscape – since the presentation had been drafted, the newly-appointed Chief Inspector for OFSTED had met with the Association of Colleges and the Prime Minister had announced that he planned to scrap A levels and T levels and replace them with a baccalaureate-style qualification, the Advanced British Standard.
- Enrolment –
- HE recruitment was currently below target.
- Apprenticeships – whilst down in terms of number, the college had recruited more high value apprentices, so the college expected to hit the financial target.
- 16 – 19 – the college had recruited over 4,000 students for 2023/24, the highest number ever and more than budgeted. However, whilst not all these students would be active at the census point and therefore not counted for funding purposes, the improved position would be reflected in the 2024/25 funding allocation. In response to questions, the P/CEO explained that the college had seen an increase in recruitment from Telford, 11-16 schools and 11-18 schools and in each case. Recruitment from Shrewsbury schools had also improved. The Board Chair considered this increase to be down to the quality and breadth of provision offered by the college and its increasing reputation. The P/CEO considered that this was also due to the quality of liaison work conducted with schools and the attractive working conditions offered which, in turn attracted high quality staff.
- T Levels – the college would be providing additional T Level pathways in 2024/25. In response to questions, the P/CEO explained that the college would be offering Higher Technical qualifications, co-written with employers, based on modules rather than qualifications. The college was listening to employers and reacting and adapting provision accordingly. The strategic implications of the current government’s determination to continue to defund BTECs presented a significant challenge and continued to the AoC and SFCA continued to lobby the sector’s interest.
50/23. Progress Report - Strategic Plan (Confidential Appendices – Agenda item 7)
The Board reviewed progress against the Strategic Plan Year Two Implementation Plan (previously circulated). The Board was invited by the P/CEO to review the actions identified for Year Three (previously circulated). The Board Chair observed that the college was now halfway through the Strategic Plan.
In response to questions, the P/CEO reported that the college had achieved most actions in the 2022 – 2023 Plan to target, although some would carry forward into 2023 – 2024.
The Board reviewed each report in turn and discussed the following –
Strategic Plan Year Two Implementation Plan
- The high number of ‘achieved’ actions was noted. The majority of actions ‘not achieved’ had been affected by external forces, for example, unsuccessful bids for capital funding.
- The Board noted the large reduction in the number of conduct and meetings. In response to a question on how the college was mitigating the potential impact of high profile ‘celebrity’ cases of ‘toxic masculinity’ on students’ behaviours, the VP, S outlined the initiatives the college had put in place, including targeted interventions and group work, to mitigate this impact and address unacceptable behaviour.
Strategic Plan Year Three Implementation Plan
- Projects to implement a digital strategy. The Board Chair noted that the draft Digital Strategy would be presented to the Board for approval at its meeting in March 2024.
- Projects to implement the ‘safest college’ strategy. It was agreed that the H&S and Safeguarding Link Governors be involved in the safeguarding conference planned for July 2024.
The Board supported having a challenging and ambitious Year Three operational plan and, as the college was now half-way through the delivery of the Strategic Plan, it requested a progress update in March 2024.
51/23. Summary of Minutes and Recommendations from Committees (Appendices – Agenda Items 8a – 8c)
Chairs of the committees presented the following meetings, drawing the Board’s attention to items of particular interest and presenting recommendations.
Quality, Curriculum & Standards Committee – 25 September 2023 (Appendix – Agena Item 8a) (Draft Minutes tabled)
The Committee Chair explained there were no recommendations. The Committee had focussed on reviewing student outcomes 2022 – 2023, the key achievements and the strategies for enhancement; the key conclusions had been -
- 2022-23 had been another challenging year.
- However, exemplary effort had been shown by staff in supporting their students and each other.
- 2022-23 GCSE grades remained strong and above national rates.
- Significant funding had been secured to deliver T level provision.
- Self-Assessment reviews with curriculum teams, Quality and the Principal/CEO had demonstrated critical reflection, detailed discussions and aspirational target setting for 2023-24.
- Regarding A levels, the Six Dimensions contextual information received suggested that the college had improved performance relative to its peers and that students made better than expected progress based on their starting points.
- The focus for 2023/24, was on embedding the activities to improve attendance that had been implemented immediately post-Covid.
The Committee had agreed it would continue to seek assurance that the interventions put in place were having the desired impact.
Finance & Business Operations Committee – 26 September 2023 (Appendix – Agenda Item 8b) (Draft Minutes previously circulated)
In the absence of the Committee Chair, the Board Chair presented the following recommendation –
52/23. Amendment to College’s Treasury Management Policy (Appendix – Agenda Item 8bi)
The Committee had received an update on forecast cashflows and that the £1m “floor” of immediately available planned cash remained in place as per the current Treasury Policy. However, the Committee was advised that there was potential to improve the Treasury returns by amending the Policy to allow for more active management by:
- reducing the “floor” of immediately available planned cash to £500k and investing a further £500k at a c.5.2% rate offered by the college’s current bankers.
- giving automatic notice on a set sum weekly.
- placing funds not required within 32 days back on deposit each week.
This revised approach could yield a net benefit of up to £25k per annum at current rates.
The Board, having discussed the benefits to this amendment, including increased returns which otherwise earned c 0.8% and having receiving assurance that the college would monitor the cash ‘floor’ weekly, agreed to the proposed amendment to the Treasury Policy.
Resolved: That the Treasury Management Policy be amended.
Search & Governance Committee – 11 October 2023 (Appendix – Agenda Item 8c) (Draft Minutes previously circulated)
The Committee Chair gave a brief report on the Committee’s deliberations.
- Several candidates had expressed an interest in the HE Student Governor vacancy. It was anticipated that a nominee would be appointed at the December 2023 Board meeting.
- The Committee had agreed that the 2023 – 24 Learning Walk Programme consist of visits to the college’s Higher Education provision, A Level provision in Psychology & Sociology and A Level and BTEC provision in Art & Design.
53/23. Committee membership 2023 – 2024
Resolved: The Committee Membership 2023 – 2024, with effect from 16 October 2023, be approved.
Audit Committee
- J. Barratt
- R, Harrison
- R. Sartain
- C. Sharp
- M. Thompson
Finance and Business Operations
- M. Hartland
- J. Hoyland
- G. Mills (Chair)
- P. Tucker
- Principal/CEO
- R. Wilson
Quality Standards and Curriculum Committee
- J Barratt (Chair)
- A Benghiat
- A Caesar-Homden
- R Harrison
- A Hodson
- J. Hoyland
- A Prichard
Co-opted members –
- 16 – 19 Student governor
- HE Student governor
- J. Vernon
Ex- officio Member –
- R. Wilson
Estate Strategy Working Group
- G. Mills
- P. Partridge
- R. Sartain
- J. Staniforth
- M. Thompson
- P. Tucker
- R. Wilson
Remuneration Committee
- J. Barratt
- G. Mills
- C. Sharp
- R. Wilson
Search & Governance Committee
- J Hoyland
- G. Mills
- J. Staniforth
- R. Wilson (Chair)
Co-opted member –
J. Vernon
Governor Representatives
- J. Barratt – Apprenticeships & Careers
- A Benghiat – H.E.
- R. Harrison – EDI & SEND
- J. Hoyland – Safeguarding, PREVENT
- R. Sartain – H&S
- C. Sharp – Audit & Risk
Radbrook Foundation –
- J. Staniforth
- R. Sartain
54/23. Risk (Agenda Item 09)
The Board reviewed those risks specific to the Board and agreed that the following Board risks be ‘retired’ –
- Board 4 - Risk of inadequate Apprenticeship funding: due to failure of existing sub-contract arrangements with SBC.
- Board 6 - Risk to Staff and Student Health from COVID-19 Pandemic
The Board concluded that the risks have been appropriately identified and the management actions reported were effectively mitigating these risks.
The Draft Strategic Risk Register for 2023 – 2024, would be reviewed by the Audit Committee on 22 November and recommended to the December Board meeting.
55/23. Date of Next Meeting
Scheduled Meeting – Monday, 11 December 2023 from 5.30 p.m. Venue – Higher Education Centre, London Road Campus.
Governance Pack
The Board reviewed the following reports (previously circulated) –
56/23. Board KPIs 2022- 2023 including Attendance Record of Governors 2022 – 2023
The Board continued to demonstrate a track record of progress in achievement and improvement against targets set. With an overall attendance rate of 91%, the Board had placed first in the National Benchmarking Sixth Form Group results and fourth overall (sixth form and further education sector combined).
57/23. Register of Confidential Items considered by Board 2022 – 2023
The Board reviewed carefully the Register of items that had been placed in confidential session at meetings held during 2023 – 2024 (previously circulated). It noted that the Board placed relatively few items in confidential session and only when it was necessary to do so. Therefore, the Board continued to demonstrate its commitment to transparent and open governance.
58/23. Board Discussion – Effectiveness of Governance
The Board Quality Improvement Plan for 2023 – 2024, would be based on the results of the self-assessment and committee evaluation conducted in 2022 – 2023. The Board’s focus would be on further improving the effectiveness of its governance practices, particularly through an opportunity to visit another college and on diversifying further applicants for Board opportunities. The Search & Governance Committee had requested the P/CEO to explore the possibility of undertaking a visit to a local college this academic year.
A part of its commitment to ongoing self-assessment, the Board Chair introduced a discussion on how Board meetings could be improved going forward.
Several suggestions were discussed, including improving further the ability of governors to dial into Board meetings. The Board Chair confirmed that he would be holding guided conversations with all governors this month, to further inform the QuIP and holding discussions with the P/CEO.
The meeting concluded at 7.27 p.m.