Teaching Institution | Awarding Organisation |
Intermediate Awards | HNC |
Approval Date/Review Date | July 2021 |
Mode of Study | Part-time |
Location of Study | London Road Campus |
Course Length | Two years Total Guided Learning Hours (GL) – 480 hours Total Qualification Time (TQT) – 1,200 hours |
Course Code | PLR4HCB001 |
UCAS Code | S23 |
QAA Subject Benchmarks | Yes (written for BTEC use) available on request. |
HECoS Code | 100150 |
Accreditation Type | RQF |
Accreditation Details | Several bodies approve of the course via Pearson BTEC, such as CIOB, RICS, and many others. |
Criteria for Admission to the Programme
| All applicants are individually assessed on their qualifications, skills and experience. You should have a desire to further your career in the construction industry and hold either a Level 3 NVQ Diploma or BTEC Level 3 Diploma in construction or BTEC National Award. GCSE or equivalent in Maths and English or willingness to work towards. International applicants require a current IELTS 5.5 score, with no single skill being below 5. Accreditation may be given for prior learning both academic and work-based. We have accepted students with A Levels and students with no Level 3 but experience in construction management/supervision or civil engineering backgrounds. |
Minimum/Maximum Numbers | Minimum 6 Maximum 16 Applicants will be advised the week commencing the 23 August 2021 if insufficient numbers have been recruited to make the course viable. |
Course Fee | £4,625 per year |
Additional Costs | You will be required to purchase your own scientific calculator, scale rule, protective footwear (for visits). Your own personal device (laptop recommended) for internet access and CAD practice away from college (AutoCAD & other software provided in college). |
Date of Production | (First draft - April 2021) September 2021. |
Proposed Revision Date | April 2022 |
This Programme Specification contains an overview of HNC in Construction & the Built Environment and how it will be taught and assessed at Shrewsbury Colleges Group. At the end of the document, you will find some more general information on support and guidance available to you whilst studying with us. This document should be read in conjunction with the Edexcel/BTEC Higher National Specification for this award at: http://qualifications.pearson.com/en/qualifications/btec-higher-nationals/construction-and-the-built-environment-2017.html
We hope you choose to come and study with us at Shrewsbury Colleges Group and take advantage of the opportunity to access Higher Education locally in Shropshire.
Welcome from Curriculum Leader:
Stuart Raine
I would like to offer a warm welcome to you if you have or are about to enrol on the Higher National Certificate (HNC) in Construction & the Built Environment. The HNC qualification is an ideal opportunity to gain a higher level qualification that will develop practical skills and knowledge in a number of specialist areas.
As well as gaining vital knowledge that can prepare you for a role in construction in design, production or management, allowing you to specialise in a particular aspect of building or progress onto a professionally recognised undergraduate degree. The Construction teaching team have a wealth of experience in both teaching and the construction industry and this adds to what is already a stimulating and interesting course.
I do hope you have an enjoyable experience and achieve your goals whilst studying with us.
Stuart Raine
At Shrewsbury Colleges Group we are committed to providing relevant building studies education for the construction industry and enabling our learners to develop their multi-disciplinary construction skills through specialist subject and academic knowledge.
Through this education we enable them to communicate effectively, work within a team, develop good interpersonal skills, solve problems; work on their own initiative and adapt to changing situations. These attributes prepare you for a career within the modern building team such as a contracts manager, architectural technician, site agent, estimator or quantity surveyor. It is an ideal starting point for those looking for a professional role in the construction industry. The course aims to train construction professionals and practitioners or equivalent for working in the construction industry and to provide a solid academic base for further progression onto a professionally recognised undergraduate degree. This nationally recognised qualification is of use to people working in or looking to work in construction in a design, production or management role allowing you to specialise in a particular aspect of building.
The challenge provided by the HNC Construction & Built Environment course gives you scope for further enhancement of these specialisms and can provide you with additional opportunities to gain access to Associate Membership of the Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB) subject to an appropriate application to that professional body, similarly Associate Members status of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors via their Associate RICS route.
Staff Profiles
Overview of the Award – what does the course involve?
Edexcel BTEC Higher Nationals are designed to provide a specialist vocational programme, linked to professional body requirements and National Occupational Standards. They offer a strong, sector-related emphasis on practical skills development alongside the development of requisite knowledge and understanding.
The qualification provides a thorough grounding in the key concepts and practical skills required in their sector and their national recognition by employers allows direct progression to employment. A key progression path for Edexcel BTEC HNC learners is to an honours degree programme, this depending on the match of the Edexcel BTEC Higher National units to the degree programme in question. Typical degrees at UCEM and University of Wolverhampton in construction related disciplines should allow access to the second year of that course.
To ensure that this programme complies with the college's internal monitoring processes an External Verifier ensures that we assess learner performance in accordance with national standards and evidence requirements. The External Verifier for this award identified the following areas of good practice:
- Good and timely communication with the course tutor
- All assessment decisions examined fair, consistent and valid
- All tutors are well qualified & have industrial experience in construction
- Course tutors responsive to learners inquires
- Outstanding assignment briefs and excellent scenarios appropriate to the level
Programme Aims
Aims of the programme:
The aim of the HNC in Construction & the Built Environment is to train construction professionals and practitioners or equivalent for working in the construction industry and to provide a solid academic basis for further progression and study, for example onto a professionally recognised undergraduate degree.
The course is a qualification with a minimum of 120 credits of which 65 are mandatory core.
This nationally recognised qualification is of use to people working in or looking to work in construction in a design, production or management role allowing you to specialise in a particular aspect of building. The HNC Construction & Built Environment course prepares you for a career within the modern building team such as a contracts manager, estimator, site engineer or quantity surveyor. It’s an ideal first step for those looking for a professional role in the construction industry. Specialist subject and academic knowledge enable learners to develop their multi-disciplinary construction knowledge, to communicate effectively; work in a team and develop good interpersonal skills; to solve problems; to work on their own initiative, and to adapt to changing situations.
The Pearson BTEC Higher Nationals in Construction and the Built Environment (RQF) provide a progression route to the professional qualifications offered by the Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists (CIAT), the Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB), the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) and universities give their endorsements to BTEC HNC.
Pearson BTEC Higher Nationals in Construction & the Built Environment (RQF) have been developed to focus on:
- national qualifications, with detailed common standards, learning outcomes and unit grading recognisable to centres, learners, employers and professional bodies
- recognition by the appropriate professional bodies
- a common core of study applicable to the construction and built environment sector
- a choice of optional specialist curriculum studies appropriate to the main career disciplines within construction
- a flexible approach to curriculum content within a nationally recognised framework
- changing training and educational needs relevant to construction disciplines
- progression to degree programmes and professional body membership
- contributing to the knowledge, understanding and skills required to underpin relevant National Occupational Standards and NVQs at levels 4 and 5
- providing opportunities for learners to focus on the development of higher-level skills in a technological and management context
- the development of learners’ practical knowledge, understanding and
- skills that underpin performance in the workplace
- preparation for employment and further training and professional development
Individual aims for each unit are at the start of each unit. Aims prove useful for job applications and CV writing.
Programme Learning Outcomes
The assessment of BTEC Higher National qualifications is criterion-referenced and centres are required to assess learners’ evidence against published learning outcomes and assessment criteria.
All units will be individually graded as ‘Pass’, ‘Merit’ or ‘Distinction’. To achieve a pass grade for the unit learners must meet the assessment criteria set out in the specifications. This gives transparency to the assessment process and provides for the establishment of national standards for each qualification.
The units in BTEC Higher National qualifications all have a standard format that is designed to provide guidance on the requirements of the qualification for learners, assessors and those responsible for monitoring national standards.
In addition to this the programme will:
- equip individuals with knowledge, understanding and skills for success in employment in the construction industry
- enable progression to an undergraduate degree or further professional qualification in construction or the built environment
- provide opportunities for specialist study relevant to individual vocations and contexts
- support individuals employed or entering employment in the construction industry
- develop the individual’s ability in the construction industry through effective use and combination of the knowledge and skills gained in different parts of the programme
- develop a range of skills and techniques, personal qualities and attributes essential for successful performance in working life and thereby enabling learners to make an immediate contribution to employment
- provide flexibility, knowledge, skills and motivation as a basis for future studies and career development in construction and the built environment.
This programme is distinctive because:
- Learners are given the opportunity to design projects and assignment work
- Learners will have the opportunity to apply critical reasoning and analysis techniques to solve construction problems, using industry standards and develop personal and business skills, enabling them to contribute to the demands of a professional construction environment
- Projects will include case studies from domestic and commercial developments (from your own work, manufacturers and organisation websites) giving learners real life experience of professional construction work
- Learners will be encouraged to gain work experience whilst undergoing the qualification to enhance their experience and to join the CIOB at www.CIOB.org.uk.
On successful completion students should be able to:
- Progress onto a professionally recognised undergraduate degree or progression into management within the construction industry
- Demonstrate an understanding of key principles of construction technology, law and pre-contract procedures
- Evaluate and apply the construction knowledge and skills acquired to actively contribute to the construction process at technician level
- Acquire construction knowledge and transferable skills in order to progress onto higher BSc levels of study.
Firstly, construction is unique, compared to other industries, as it's first into recession and first out of recession (with housebuilding for both). Secondly, the industry has a high failure rate for companies (at the time of writing, Carillion, Lagan Group and McMullan Lakesmere). Many issues are present in the industry. These issues affect work and job numbers but not your employability.
The HNC Construction is a management level qualification, with technical elements, and for many jobs, it is a basic requirement that staff have achieved it to be able to work in the industry, have the required (and cheaper) insurance, communicate with others and understand what is going on, both at technical level, management and financially. Historically it was termed the “Technicians” course.
Upon enrolment, you may choose to join the CIOB, RICS, CIAT or any other industry organisation as a student (doing Level 4 HNC is a minimum requirement for entry). During the course, you will study job roles and the industry structure and begin on a path to ensure your future long term employability.
Construction has been on a path of modernisation and automation for many years, with 3D BIM now a requirement on many projects and this features heavily in most units and will benefit your future employability. With that in mind, many jobs do not yet exist, and construction is one of the few industries that is going to change and evolve but will always be a major employer.
Everyone should make at least one appointment with the college careers advisor and discuss career options, and their future. Don’t leave it until the end of the year as they can be busy then.
Programme Structure, Modules and Credits
Award title: Pearson BTEC Level 4 Higher National Certificate in Construction & the Built Environment (RQF)
The HNC in Construction & The Built Environment course is structured as part-time one day a week over two years with 8 units in total. 4 per year. Each unit has 15 credits at level 4. A total of 120 credits is required. The anticipated timetable will be from 9.00am – 18.30pm year 1 and 9.00am – 16.00pm year 2.
L E V E L 4 | YEAR 1 YEAR 2 | 2 Construction Technology | 3 Science & Materials | 4 Construction Practice & Management | 6 Construction Information (Drawing, Detailing, Specification) |
13 Tender & Procurement | 5 Legal & Statutory Responsibilities in Construction | 21 Site Supervision & Operations | 1 Individual Project (Pearson-set) |
All units MUST be completed to achieve the qualification and the shown timetable is subject to change, many are mandatory, so change is unlikely. You may be able to pass ONE unit provided it has been completed. Unit specifications are available on request. Most units finished or nearly finished by 30th May each year, for Examiner visit.
As a college and apprenticeship provider, we are aware that companies require more flexibility in their education routes for staff, so, with these organisational requirements in mind, there will be options available for some elements of remote learning which can be discussed at interview or over the phone with a member of staff. For individuals applying there will also be elements of remote learning available.
Teaching and Assessment
How will I be taught?
Tutor-facilitated sessions blended with group work and autonomous self-study will form the basis of classroom-based sessions. The VLE (Moodle) will be used to share resources and for online directed study together with case studies, experiments, projects and assignments, guest speakers and site visits to match the units being covered in each year of study. The college LRC and a dedicated HE room are available for additional study areas.
There will be opportunities to visit national events such as UK Construction Week and Grand Designs which will give an insight into new technology within Construction and the Built Environment and also allow for researching material for the group project. There is an expectation that additional research and assignment work will be undertaken as self-study and this will usually be at least 2-3 hours per week. Guidance will be given on work experience and through personal and professional development opportunities explored for gaining further experience. Additional learning support is facilitated through a dedicated person through the Agency.
How will I be assessed?
You will be required to complete an assessment for each module of your course. Your work will be assessed in each unit through the completion of unit-based and project-based assignments. The work you will be required to complete will be a mixture of theoretical and practical projects always with an emphasis on relevance to Construction and the Built Environment. BTEC recommend 150 hours total study time per unit.
Alongside the development of practical and theoretical understanding of the construction industry, you will have the opportunity to apply critical reasoning and analysis techniques to solve construction problems, using industry standards and develop the personal and business skills required within the industry.
Learners are required to be reflective and critical in developing evidence-based solutions to questions founded on both theory and practice with references developed from other sources. This will allow for them to actively demonstrate their understanding, interpretation and judgement. These are all skills required to be a successful employee. Assessment can take a number of forms including, tests, assignments, group work, presentations and exams.
There will be structured hand-in dates for assignments and verbal and written feedback to allow learners to see how assessment criteria have been met or can be improved. There are no formal timed examinations for this Award.
The grading of BTEC Higher National qualifications is at the unit and the qualification level. Each successfully completed unit will be graded as a pass, merit or distinction. A pass is awarded for the achievement of all outcomes against the specified assessment criteria. Merit and distinction grades are awarded for higher-level achievement. The generic merit and distinction grade descriptors will be given in each unit and the total evidence produced for each unit and describe the learner’s performance over and above that for a pass grade. Each of the generic merit and distinction grade descriptors should be amplified by the use of indicative characteristics which exemplify the merit and distinction grade descriptors. These give a guide to the expected learner performance and support the generic grade descriptors. The indicative characteristics should reflect the nature of a unit and the context of the sector programme.
HN Global
Pearson BTEC Higher Nationals are supported by a specially designed range of digital resources, to ensure that tutors and learners have the best possible
experience during their course. At the time of writing Pearson has published their HNC Construction textbook (by the chief examiner, Geoffrey Makstutis), and full access to useful study skills activities. They also have a forum for all students doing HNC around the world.
These are available from the HN Global website at www.highernationals.com
(Note: you may need to be registered on the BTEC course before you can access HN Global)
HE Applying
ApplyingFull-time applications for this Award need to be made through UCAS at: www.ucas.com/ucas/undergraduate/register Part-time applications for this Award must be made directly to our Admissions Team via the online application form on our website. For more information on our application process or to receive the application form in an alternative format, please follow the link below or contact our admissions teams at 01743 653333. InductionStudents will be provided with a structured Induction Programme covering:
Student CharterThe college has a HE Student Charter which sets out the standards of conduct expected of tutors and students on the programme with us. Follow the link below for more information. |
HE Appeals
What happens if I fail a unit?All students are entitled to one re-submission opportunity if the work they initially submit is judged to have failed. AppealsThe College has formal procedures for appeals if you have grounds for believing that your work has not been assessed fairly. For further information, please speak to your course tutor or the curriculum area leader within seven days of your assessment being returned. Follow the link below for more information. Assessment and Award BoardsAll summative assessment grades are agreed at formal Assessment and Award Boards held at regular intervals throughout the year at the College. Support for students with additional needsWe aim to ensure that individual needs are met before starting a course and during the course of study.
These will be advertised and accessible to all HE students. The HE tutor will also be available to work with and support learners with an identified additional learning need or disability. If you’re a current HE student or prospective HE student with additional learning needs the sooner you inform us the earlier we can discuss and advise you on the support available for you while you study. Alternatively, visit www.gov.uk/disabled-students-allowances-dsas/overview |
HE Quality improvement
Quality improvement: Listening to your viewsWe aim to make your experience both worthwhile and enjoyable and to continually improve the quality of our awards. Therefore, we value your feedback about the quality of our programmes. Student Consultatives will be held every term and a nominated representative from your group will attend these to provide feedback on your experience, please let your Course Tutor know if you would like to become a student representative. An end-of-course review will also be carried out to obtain your feedback. ConcernsWe really hope you never have any reason to be dissatisfied with the delivery of your course and/or the support we provide you with here at Shrewsbury Colleges Group, however, we are aware that sometimes things go wrong. If your concerns are affecting the whole of your group, please use the Student Consultative meetings to air your concerns and enable us to resolve your complaint, if able. If your concern is of a more personal nature, in the first instance we would always encourage you to talk over your concerns with your Course Tutor or whoever it is that has been providing the service you are unhappy about, often things can be resolved quickly in these circumstances. The HE and Education Lead is also available to chat things over on a one-one basis. If you wish to formalise your complaint you will need to access the guidance in our HE complaints policy. If following your complaint/appeal to the college you feel that our regulations have not been applied properly or procedures followed incorrectly, The Office of the Independent Adjudicator (OIA) can consider whether the decision made by ourselves was fair and reasonable. More information can be found here. Terms and Conditions/Policies and ProceduresPlease ensure the terms and conditions you are issued at the offer stage are retained for your reference. Policies and procedures to support you during your studies can be found via the link below. During the year it may be necessary to make minor changes to our Terms and Conditions/Policies and Procedures. We will advise you of any such changes once you have accepted an offer with us and update our website accordingly. HE Regulatory InformationRegulatory information can be found via the following link. |