Teaching Institution Awarding Organisation
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Intermediate Awards


Mode of Study


Location of Study

London Road Campus

Course Length

2 years

120 guided learning hours at L4
120 guided learning hours at L5

240 guided learning hours in total

Total Qualification Time (TQT)  – 2 years

Course Code




QAA Subject Benchmarks

QQA Subject Benchmark Statement –  Education Studies

HECoS Code


Accreditation Type

Staffordshire University

Accreditation Details

The qualification is provided through Staffordshire University.

Criteria for Admission to the Programme


  •  GCSE English A-C (or equivalent) IELTS 6.0 (or equivalent)
  • Employment in the education sector evidenced by written managerial support and permission to engage in the course
  • A level 3 qualification or evidence of suitable workplace experience.

Minimum/Maximum Numbers

Minimum 10                  Maximum 20

Course Fee


Additional Costs


Date of Production

September 2022

Proposed Revision Date

July 2023


This Programme Specification contains an overview of the Foundation Degree in Education and how it will be taught and assessed at Shrewsbury Colleges Group. At the end of the document, you will find some more general information on support and guidance available to you whilst studying with us.

This document should be read in conjunction with the Staffordshire University Specification for this award.

We hope you choose to come and study with us at Shrewsbury College and take advantage of the opportunity to access Higher Education locally in Shropshire. 

Welcome from Curriculum Leader:

Michelle Dawes

Welcome to Shrewsbury Colleges Group. We are looking forward to sharing your learning experience and supporting you on your educational journey. You will not have made the decision to study at a higher level lightly and at this point may be feeling a mixture of nerves, excitement and trepidation about the months ahead, but do not worry, the staff in the Education team are here to support, guide and encourage you through the programme you have chosen to pursue.

We are building a strong reputation for Higher Education in the county and are keen to move forward with this area of the curriculum. As a result, you will be asked regularly for your thoughts, ideas and feedback on how the course you are studying can be developed further. This may be through consultative meetings or through your student representation so please contribute when you can. We aim to be very student centred and value your contribution throughout the duration of your studies.

Finally, good luck and enjoy your educational journey with Shrewsbury Colleges Group.

Michelle Dawes

Staff Profiles

Helen Marsh

HE Study Support Tutor
Telephone: 01743 653526

Helen provides support to HE students with their studies, such as assignment planning, presentation skills, reading, and taking notes, as well as with applications for DSA.

Michelle Dawes

Higher Education Lead
Telephone: 01743 653576

Michelle manages and oversees the quality of higher education at the college.

Frances Brett

Course Leader
Telephone: 01743 653485

Frances Brett has taught both in both Early Years and Primary, as well as Adult Education. As a former Senior Lecturer within the University of Worcester’s Centre for Early Childhood team, she has contributed to several EY texts.

Overview of the Award – what does the course involve?

This course which is awarded by Staffordshire University will give you a deeper understanding of: up-to-date developments in the education sector; how to apply key theories and principles of education to your professional practice to meet the specific needs of your employer and your own personal development; wider professional and academic skills development to help secure your current employment and broaden your future career options. The course, therefore, has the following overall aims, which focus on developing your career aspirations and opportunities to: become a ‘discipline expert’ in education; develop your professionalism; develop your wider professional practice; develop your independent thinking skills.

Programme Aims

Aims of the programme:

The objectives of this programme are to:

  • To become a ‘discipline expert’ in Education. (The work-based award enables you to understand and develop your roles and responsibilities in the workplace.)
  • To develop your professionalism. (The work-based award develops skills towards supporting education, such as teaching assistants/learning support assistants. It also promotes progression towards alternative careers in education, such as teaching. Successful completion of the award enables direct progression onto a top-up BA (Hons.) Education Award.
    Professional attributes developed include improving communication and teamworking abilities, as well as information literacy and academic skills.)
  • To develop your Wider Professional Practice. (You will evaluate how the organisation you work for compares with alternative institutions and contexts in order to consider developments to your practice and that of your institution.)
  • To develop your independent thinking skills (You will critically reflect and evaluate your own practice, as well as that of your institution in order to inform practitioner-led research and change.)

Programme Learning Outcomes

As you progress through their academic and personal development journey you will develop:

Knowledge and Understanding - Your knowledge and understanding of key principles and theories of education and learner development will grow. Each module includes content to be delivered by the providers. As well as this you will be given the opportunity to research specific information, policies and practice relating to your own sector. This enables you to be an expert in your workplace, with a deep understanding of your sector – a key advantage for enhancing your career prospects.

Learning - The study skills element of the course, explicitly covered in modules one and five and implicitly delivered throughout the rest of the course, aim to develop the concept of ‘learning to learn’. General academic study skills are delivered in module one, with each module delivering further guidance as well as learner feedback. Specific study skills are also delivered in order to enable you to develop the skills required to meet the requirements of the module. For example, modules 1 and 5 will consider developing critically informed reflective practice with a view to producing informed reflective accounts. They also introduce and develop the concept and ability to form realistic personal action plans. Module 8 will investigate how to organise a small-scale research project. Other modules will cover relevant aspects of writing such as literature reviews, comparative studies and so on.

Enquiry - Each module requires you to investigate and reflect on your practice, as evidenced in the reflective accounts of modules 1 and 5 and the work-based assessments throughout the rest of the modules. Explicit use of enquiry is found in module 3, where you have to compare behaviour management policies in relevant institutions and module 4 where you will observe a professional practitioner. Further to this, module 8 is a small-scale-action research project.

Analysis - This is a work-based course, and analysis of one’s own practice in relation to theory is engaged in every module. As an example, in Module 3 you will be required to analyse two behaviour management policies with a view to your future personal and organisational development. Analytical skills are also explicitly credited in the generic School of Education level 4 and 5 criteria used in all of the modules.

Problem Solving - As a work-based course, you will evaluate complex education issues throughout. This will help you to make informed judgements to develop your personal and wider professional practice.

Communication - Effective communication is promoted throughout the course. As well as with the learners that you provide support for, you will need to develop effective communication with your colleagues. To enrol and continue on the course, you will require management approval. This is also the case with your action research project, which needs the specific ethical approval of the employer prior to commencement. You also need to engage in communication with peers during group tasks/peer assessment tasks. For example, in module 6, you will make a presentation to peers.

Application - As a work-based course, direct application of learning is implicit throughout. Each module assessment features reflection on the application of educational theories, principles and policies into your personal and professional practice. As an example, in module 4, You will create/develop your own assessment resource for use in their practice.

Reflection - As a work-based professional development course, you will be required to engage in informed critical reflections of your own practice. Modules 1 and 5 require you to reflect on your personal and professional progress in relation to the learning outcomes of the other modules in the course.

This programme is distinctive because:

The qualification is delivered at Shrewsbury Colleges Group to offer learners the opportunity to study Higher Education in a local college environment. Learners can share experiences and develop new skills using technology-based practice linked to theory. The course is tailored to meet the needs of learners and the needs of the industry.


Employability is at the heart of this work-based programme. You will need an education-based placement and employer support, as your career development is
the central focus of the course. Each module relies on work-based reflection and development. Modules 1 and 5 are explicitly targeted at personal and professional development in order to help you to reflect and act on your career aspirations.

As a Foundation Degree programme, you will have the opportunity to progress onto the BA top-up award. This then enables further progression onto various teacher training routes or academic courses.

Programme Structure, Modules and Credits

This award is delivered through a two-year, part-time, in-service route in Partnership organisations.

  Module Title Credit Value Level
Core Module Personal and Professional Development 20 4
Core Module Learning and Holistic Development 40 4
Core Module Safeguarding and Developing Educational Practice 40 4
Core Module Supporting learning and Inclusion 20 4
Core Module Professionalism and Career Development 20 5
Core Module Behaviour for Learning 40 5
Core Module Assessment for Learning – Guided Research in Education 40 5
Core Module Leadership and Teamworking 20 5


Teaching and Assessment

How will I be taught?

The course consists of eight modules, the first four of which are assessed at Level 4, with the rest at Level 5. Of these, four are 40 Credit modules with 400 learning hours attached to them, and four are 20 Credit modules with 200 learning hours attached to them. Total learning hours per module are made up of scheduled teaching and learning activities, placement hours, and independent study. Each module relies on work-based reflection and development, targeting personal and professional improvement throughout in order to help you to reflect and act on your career aspirations. The modules covered in the course are: 

Level 4 

  • Personal and Professional Development (20 Credits) 
  • Learning and Holistic Development (40 Credits) 
  • Safeguarding and Developing Educational Practice (40 Credits) 
  • Supporting Learning and Inclusion  (20 Credits) 

Level 5 

  • Professionalism and Career Development (20 Credits) 
  • Behaviour for Learning (40 Credits) 
  • Assessment for Learning – guided research in Education (40 Credits) 
  • Leadership and Teamworking (20 Credits) 

Work-based reflection and development form a major part of the overall course content and assessment. Throughout the course, you will therefore engage in: work-based tasks; creation of resources to support learning; observation of the practice of professionals; reflection on organisational practice; wider understanding of sector practice; work placement research. Successful graduates will be awarded a Foundation Degree in Arts from Staffordshire University and you will be entitled to add FdA after your name. 

How will I be assessed?

You will be assessed on every module for which you enrol and must pass all parts of the assessment to pass the module overall. You will be given information on what is expected of you at the start of the module. The assessment strategies employed within the course emphasise the value of workplace knowledge and understanding, informed by application of relevant theories and will be based on the learning outcomes of the module.

Assessment types, volume and length have been considered by the University team to allow you to demonstrate skills and knowledge outlined within module assessment criteria. These combine workplace skills and knowledge with academic practices and learning, for example, assessments include requirements: to create learning resources; outline workplace policies; and reflect upon your progression. These are then underpinned by demonstration of academic understanding of the vocational tasks carried out within written assignments, group feedback and presentations.

Knowledge, Understanding and Learning are assessed through tasks requiring the use of theoretical frameworks to develop specified aspects of professional practice, reviews of this and recommendations for policy and improved practice.

Analysis and Reflection are assessed through professional practice and the analysis of complex situations, for example, concerning human learning and development, (including their own learning within assignments) and within reflection on your own value systems. Analysis and Reflection is also assessed through the accommodation of new ideas discussed within class and through written assignments.

Transferable and generic skills (including problem solving and communication) are assessed through a variety of methods, including written assignments, professional practice, discussions and consideration of case studies. 

HE Applying

HE student procession


Full-time applications for this Award need to be made through UCAS at: www.ucas.com/ucas/undergraduate/register

Part-time applications for this Award must be made directly to our Admissions Team via the online application form on our website.

For more information on our application process or to receive the application form in an alternative format, please follow the link below or contact our admissions teams at 01743 653333.



Students will be provided with a structured Induction Programme covering:

  • Welcome Event – June
  • Enrolment Event – August/September
  • Induction Events – September/October
      • College Induction
      • Programme Induction
      • Student Finance Support Session for those with outstanding queries

Student Charter

The college has a HE Student Charter which sets out the standards of conduct expected of tutors and students on the programme with us. Follow the link below for more information.


HE Appeals

What happens if I fail a unit?

All students are entitled to one re-submission opportunity if the work they initially submit is judged to have failed.

However, if the initial work is not covered by extenuating circumstances, and you submit work for the module for a second attempt (called a referral) the maximum mark that can be awarded for re-submission is the threshold pass mark; i.e. 40% grade point 4 for levels 4 and 5.

If the re-submitted failed work or non-submission is covered by a successful extenuating circumstances claim then the re-submitted work is considered ‘as if for the first time’ and can receive its full awarded mark.


The College has formal procedures for appeals if you have grounds for believing that your work has not been assessed fairly. For further information, please speak to your course tutor or the curriculum area leader within seven days of your assessment being returned. Follow the link below for more information.


Assessment and Award Boards

All summative assessment grades are agreed at formal Assessment and Award Boards held at regular intervals throughout the year at the College.

Support for students with additional needs

We aim to ensure that individual needs are met before starting a course and during the course of study.

Our Student Support Tutor for HE runs a study skills support programme throughout the academic year. This covers academic skills such as:

  • Assignment planning
  • Presentation skills
  • Critical thinking
  • Reading and note-making
  • Referencing
  • Time management & organisation

These will be advertised and accessible to all HE students. The HE tutor will also be available to work with and support learners with an identified additional learning need or disability. If you’re a current HE student or prospective HE student with additional learning needs the sooner you inform us the earlier we can discuss and advise you on the support available for you while you study.

Learning support can also be provided by approved Disabled Student Allowance (DSA) providers for Higher Education Students studying at Shrewsbury College who have an identified disability, mental-health condition, medical condition, or a specific learning difficulty and who are in receipt of DSA. If you have an identified disability, mental-health condition, medical condition, or a specific learning difficulty an application to Student Finance for Disabled Students Allowance will need to be completed along with supporting evidence of your disability. Follow the link below for more information.


Alternatively, visit www.gov.uk/disabled-students-allowances-dsas/overview

HE Quality improvement

Quality improvement: Listening to your views

We aim to make your experience both worthwhile and enjoyable and to continually improve the quality of our awards. Therefore, we value your feedback about the quality of our programmes. Student Consultatives will be held every term and a nominated representative from your group will attend these to provide feedback on your experience, please let your Course Tutor know if you would like to become a student representative. An end-of-course review will also be carried out to obtain your feedback.

HE student engaging with teacher


We really hope you never have any reason to be dissatisfied with the delivery of your course and/or the support we provide you with here at Shrewsbury Colleges Group, however, we are aware that sometimes things go wrong. If your concerns are affecting the whole of your group, please use the Student Consultative meetings to air your concerns and enable us to resolve your complaint, if able.

If your concern is of a more personal nature, in the first instance we would always encourage you to talk over your concerns with your Course Tutor or whoever it is that has been providing the service you are unhappy about, often things can be resolved quickly in these circumstances. The HE and Education Lead is also available to chat things over on a one-one basis.

If you wish to formalise your complaint you will need to access the guidance in our HE complaints policy.


If following your complaint/appeal to the college you feel that our regulations have not been applied properly or procedures followed incorrectly, The Office of the Independent Adjudicator (OIA) can consider whether the decision made by ourselves was fair and reasonable. More information can be found here.

Terms and Conditions/Policies and Procedures

Please ensure the terms and conditions you are issued at the offer stage are retained for your reference.

Policies and procedures to support you during your studies can be found via the link below.


During the year it may be necessary to make minor changes to our Terms and Conditions/Policies and Procedures. We will advise you of any such changes once you have accepted an offer with us and update our website accordingly.

HE Regulatory Information

Regulatory information can be found via the following link.