Teaching Institution | Awarding Organisation |
This course is likely to be revalidated in 2024 - aligning with new government directives. Advice will be given at the interview.
Please be aware that the PGCE PCET is currently being updated in line with DfE changes to this teaching qualification. The new modules and module content may vary from the current information. The framework and end qualification will stay the same.
Intermediate Awards | Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training (CET) |
Mode of Study | Part-time, in-service |
Location of Study | London Road Campus |
Course Length | Two years Total Guided Learning Hours (GL) – 240 hours Total Qualification Time (TQT) – 1080 hours |
Course Code | PLR5CET001 |
UCAS Code | N/A |
QAA Subject Benchmarks | N/A |
HECoS Code | 100460 further education |
Accreditation Type | Staffordshire University |
Accreditation Details | The qualification is provided through Staffordshire University. |
Criteria for Admission to the Programme
| The recommended entry requirements for the two year part-time, in-service awards are:
Entry Requirements (including IELTS score) Score. 6.0 You will be invited for an interview prior to your acceptance and enrolment onto the Award. Teaching practice should take place as defined within the LSIS (2013) guidance documentation. You will need to provide evidence of your teaching hours prior to enrolment. Suitability for Teaching
You will need to ensure that you have appropriate DBS clearance. |
Minimum/Maximum Numbers | Minimum 8 Maximum 18 |
Course Fee | £4,500 per year |
Additional Costs | Books and resources required to study. |
Date of Production | September 2022 |
Proposed Revision Date | July 2024 |
This Programme Specification contains an overview of the Level 5 Cert Ed in Post-Compulsory Education and Training and how it will be taught and assessed at Shrewsbury Colleges Group. At the end of the document, you will find some more general information on support and guidance available to you whilst studying with us.
This document should be read in conjunction with the Staffordshire University Specification for this award.
We hope you choose to come and study with us at Shrewsbury College and take advantage of the opportunity to access Higher Education locally in Shropshire.
Welcome from Curriculum Leader:
Michelle Dawes
Welcome to Shrewsbury Colleges Group. We are looking forward to sharing your learning experience and supporting you on your educational journey. You will not have made the decision to study at a higher level lightly and at this point may be feeling a mixture of nerves, excitement and trepidation about the months ahead, but do not worry, the staff in the Education team are here to support, guide and encourage you through the programme you have chosen to pursue.
We are building a strong reputation for Higher Education in the county and are keen to move forward with this area of the curriculum. As a result, you will be asked regularly for your thoughts, ideas and feedback on how the course you are studying can be developed further. This may be through consultative meetings or through your student representation so please contribute when you can. We aim to be very student centred and value your contribution throughout the duration of your studies.
Finally, good luck and enjoy your educational journey with Shrewsbury Colleges Group.
Michelle Dawes
Director of HE
Staff Profiles

Helen Marsh
HE Study Support Tutor
Telephone: 01743 653526
Helen provides support to HE students with their studies, such as assignment planning, presentation skills, reading, and taking notes, as well as with applications for DSA.

Michelle Dawes
Higher Education Lead
Telephone: 01743 653576
Michelle manages and oversees the quality of higher education at the college.

Helen Hawksworth
Course Leader
Telephone: 01743 653439
Helen is the Course Leader for the Teacher Training Programmes. She also teaches on Education and Access to Higher Education Diplomas. She teaches on Modules 1, 2, and 3 of the programmes.

Mark Brown
Course Team
Mark is the Group Vice Principal Information & Strategic Development. He teaches Module 4 (Developing teaching, learning and assessment in PCET) of the programme.
Overview of the Award – what does the course involve?
The Educational aims of Initial Teacher Training awards (ITT) in Post Compulsory Education and Training (PCET) awards are aligned with the University’s 8 learning outcomes. The term ‘post compulsory education and training’ (PCET) is used in order to distinguish these awards, in particular the PGCE, from similarly titled awards delivered for those wanting a school, compulsory based award. Having gathered some market intelligence the term PCET is a term adopted by many other providers offering a similar range of qualifications.
Programme Aims
Aims of the programme:
The Certificate in Education (PCET) award aims to develop your, along with other trainees’, abilities to become outstanding teachers who demonstrate:
- an ability to challenge, engage and transform the way in which you see the world
- excellence in all aspects of classroom practice
- the ability to work in an inter-professional and interdisciplinary way to meet the needs of all your learners
- the highest levels of self-evaluation and reflection on teaching and learning
- the highest professional standards and commitment to continuing your own learning as a teacher
- an understanding of the education sector and a commitment and ability to contribute to its future development.
These aims can be achieved within a learner-centred success culture which will:
- provide a stimulating and innovative learning environment that maximises and enhances your experiences and develops your potential to become an outstanding teacher
- develop your ability to demonstrate a systematic understanding of knowledge that is at the forefront of an academic discipline or area of professional practice and that of the wider education community
- foster an academic community supported by research that provides you with a comprehensive understanding and critical evaluation of policy and literature that informs your pedagogical and subject-related practice
- provide you with opportunities to apply new critically enhanced knowledge and skills within the context of teaching, learning and assessment relating to your own subject specialism, environment and wider professional practice
- provide learning experiences that reflect the importance of, and celebrates, diverse communities and enables inclusivity and accurate (oral and written) communication of all those wishing to engage in learning and development
- provide a programme of timely assessment and feedback which enables you to become self-aware, reflective and independent teacher with the skills necessary to make sound judgements and decisions in complex unpredictable situations within practice and/or the wider education arena
- provide a programme that inspires you and provides you with opportunities to develop as an independent teacher with the skills required to advance knowledge in relation to your own specialist subject area, pedagogy and professional practice
- provide a programme of study that encourages you to demonstrate critical awareness and evaluation of current research, advanced scholarship, contemporary problems and/or new insights, much of which are at, or informed by, the forefront of the discipline relating to education.
Particularly distinctive features of the existing award/s include:
- A viable and creditable training award/s mapped to professional standards for both graduate and non-graduate routes into teacher training (PCET)
- As a trainee, you are encouraged to review your own practice in the light of learning and practice through formative and summative assessment
- Progression routes from ITT award/s to L6 undergraduate study
- Enhanced employability. Modules promote research-informed approaches to developing work-based practice for a diverse range of trainees working in a broad range of teaching and learning environments
- Assessment strategies that incorporate a range of approaches requiring you to demonstrate reflection and development of practice.
The programme will have at its core the notion of teaching and learning being about the transformation of individuals and communities. The focus and development of employability skills is a cornerstone of the award. This means that you, along with other trainees, will be able to contextualise theoretical frameworks with practice-based learning in order for you to develop interpersonal, analytical and problem-solving skills as well as becoming an autonomous learner and reflective practitioner.
Programme Learning Outcomes
As you progress through their academic and personal development journey you will develop:
Awareness – understanding and appreciation of the community in which teaching and learning are conducted and your role in reflecting and shaping the future agenda of teaching and learning environments.
Altruism – become purposeful and focused on achievement and empathetic of the impact of your decisions, agendas and action on the experiences of others.
Articulation – confidence in your ability to communicate your ideas and requirements using a range of media and tools of analysis.
Adaptability – ability to be flexible and willing to address and embrace change in the pursuit of better solutions and environments.
Authenticity – a genuine, respectful and sincere approach to your dealings with others and able to lead and engage with others to share with and learn from diverse communities of practice.
These attributes will be embedded in the learning outcomes of the total learning experience requiring an innovative and evolving approach to learning and development of knowledge and skills, which encourages partnership in design and delivery and engagement in assessment and progression.
This programme is distinctive because:
The qualification is delivered at Shrewsbury Colleges Group to offer learners the opportunity to study Higher Education in a local college environment. Learners can share experiences and develop new skills using technology-based practice linked to theory. The course is tailored to meet the needs of learners and the needs of the industry.
Graduates of this course have gone into teaching and/or training careers in Further Education Colleges, Sixth Form Colleges, Training Providers, the Prison Service and other recognised educational establishments.
Programme Structure, Modules and Credits
This award is delivered through a two year, part-time, in-service route in Partnership organisations.
Module Title | Credit Value | Level | |
Core Module | Teaching Learning and Assessment in PCET | 40 | 5 |
Core Module | Curriculum Design for Inclusive Practice | 20 | 5 |
Core Module | Action Research into Subject Specialist Pedagogy | 20 | 5 |
Core Module | Develop Own Professional Competence and Knowledge | 40 | 5 |
Teaching Practice:
You will need to meet the minimum number of learning hours that are specified within the LSIS Guidance (2013) or any later version subsequently in force, and specified within all of the module handbooks as well as the University Student Handbook.
Currently, there is a requirement of a minimum of 100 hours of teaching practice.
Prior to your enrolment onto the CET (PCET) award that is delivered via a partner organisation, in-service route you will need to have secured teaching hours.
Award Modules Post Graduate Certificate of Education (PCET) level 7 | Level | Contact Hours | Independent Learning hours |
Teaching, learning and assessment in PCET | 5 | 80 | 360 |
Theories, principles and models in PCET | 5 | 40 | 180 |
Developing teaching, learning and assessment in PCET | 5 | 80 | 360 |
Action Research and wider professional practice in PCET | 5 | 40 | 180 |
Teaching and Assessment
How will I be taught?
Teaching and Learning
In addition to the Educational Aims (as noted in this document) the specific learning outcomes for each module are set out in accordance with the LSIS (2013) guidance documentation. These are detailed in the module descriptors and can be found within the Award Handbook.
Learning and Teaching Strategy
The learning, teaching and assessment strategy has been carefully developed for these awards. The awards recognise you bring with you a wealth of practical experience and detailed knowledge of specific contexts to share with others. The awards, therefore, provide practical contexts for the analysis of contemporary issues and problems of a practical nature. This will inform your practice, enabling critical reflection and the development of a full range of transferable professional skills.
The following strategy will be adopted to ensure that you have a supportive learning and teaching environment. In general, all modules will include traditional learning material, such as hand-outs and reading material. Alongside this, electronic presentations and learning materials will be made available. In addition to this, at appropriate points in the year, you will be briefed on assignments, which include clearly defined and varied assessment criteria.
Knowledge and Understanding are acquired through online interaction, tutor presentations; individual tutorials, discursive seminars and workshops in order to facilitate informed critical reflection. In addition to this, you will engage with mentors and peers; as well as developing independent study skills to enable you to develop your career prospects.
Key transferable skills such as analysis, evaluation and professionalism are developed through practical workshops. Work-based activities establish connections between the workplace, professional collaboration, development of interpersonal skills such as the capacity to plan, share goals, and work as a member of a team.
How will I be assessed?
You will be assessed in every module for which you enrol. You may be required to undertake more than one element of assessment for a module and will be given information on what is expected of you at the start of the module. The assessment will be linked to the teaching and learning methods of the module and will be designed to test the achievement of the module's learning outcomes.
Transferable and generic skills (including problem solving and communication) are assessed through a variety of methods, including written assignments, professional practice, discussions and consideration of case studies. These will require skills including the ability to;
- Communicate and present oral and written arguments; use Information and Communication Technology, including engaging with a Virtual Learning Environment, presentation software, word processing, databases, internet communication, information retrieval and online searches
- Interpret and present relevant numerical information
- Work with others, as a result of the development of interpersonal skills, to demonstrate the capacity to plan, to share goals, and work within a team
- Improve own learning and performance, including the development of study and research skills, information retrieval, and a capacity to plan and manage learning
- Assessment of Professional Practice in the workplace is a requirement from LSIS and includes a minimum of 150 hours teaching practice and access to a subject specific mentor (with 20 hours experience in another subject area) and should cover a breadth of teaching environments. During teaching practice there is a requirement, as noted in the LSIS (2013) guidance documentation, for a minimum of 10 observations, totalling a minimum of 10 hours. Each observation must be a minimum of half an hour.
- Portfolios of evidence form essential components in the assessment of practical teaching abilities and you are required to submit a portfolio of evidence to demonstrate that teaching standards as defined by LLUK (2007) standards (or an updated version that in force) have been achieved
- Design and evaluation tasks, such as the development and evaluation of session plans, teaching materials and assessment schemes
- Research tasks, such as organisation-based studies emanating from the work on educational and professional issues
- Critical Evaluation of teaching materials, course plans and organisation-wide issues on the basis of evidence collected during their professional experience
- An Individual Learning Plan (ILP) which will underpin your personal engagement with the awards as well as demonstrating their self-evaluation and development in Language, Numeracy and ICT
- Presentations provide opportunities for sharing information and evaluating a range of learning and teaching strategies
- Written assignments; it is essential that participant's evidence links between theory and practice and awards will include written assignments using Harvard referencing.
Further information regarding assessment can be found in the student handbook and the module descriptors.
HE Applying
ApplyingFull-time applications for this Award need to be made through UCAS at: www.ucas.com/ucas/undergraduate/register Part-time applications for this Award must be made directly to our Admissions Team via the online application form on our website. For more information on our application process or to receive the application form in an alternative format, please follow the link below or contact our admissions teams at 01743 653333. InductionStudents will be provided with a structured Induction Programme covering:
Student CharterThe college has a HE Student Charter which sets out the standards of conduct expected of tutors and students on the programme with us. Follow the link below for more information. |
HE Appeals
What happens if I fail a unit?All students are entitled to one re-submission opportunity if the work they initially submit is judged to have failed. AppealsThe College has formal procedures for appeals if you have grounds for believing that your work has not been assessed fairly. For further information, please speak to your course tutor or the curriculum area leader within seven days of your assessment being returned. Follow the link below for more information. Assessment and Award BoardsAll summative assessment grades are agreed at formal Assessment and Award Boards held at regular intervals throughout the year at the College. Support for students with additional needsWe aim to ensure that individual needs are met before starting a course and during the course of study.
These will be advertised and accessible to all HE students. The HE tutor will also be available to work with and support learners with an identified additional learning need or disability. If you’re a current HE student or prospective HE student with additional learning needs the sooner you inform us the earlier we can discuss and advise you on the support available for you while you study. Alternatively, visit www.gov.uk/disabled-students-allowances-dsas/overview |
HE Quality improvement
Quality improvement: Listening to your viewsWe aim to make your experience both worthwhile and enjoyable and to continually improve the quality of our awards. Therefore, we value your feedback about the quality of our programmes. Student Consultatives will be held every term and a nominated representative from your group will attend these to provide feedback on your experience, please let your Course Tutor know if you would like to become a student representative. An end-of-course review will also be carried out to obtain your feedback. ConcernsWe really hope you never have any reason to be dissatisfied with the delivery of your course and/or the support we provide you with here at Shrewsbury Colleges Group, however, we are aware that sometimes things go wrong. If your concerns are affecting the whole of your group, please use the Student Consultative meetings to air your concerns and enable us to resolve your complaint, if able. If your concern is of a more personal nature, in the first instance we would always encourage you to talk over your concerns with your Course Tutor or whoever it is that has been providing the service you are unhappy about, often things can be resolved quickly in these circumstances. The HE and Education Lead is also available to chat things over on a one-one basis. If you wish to formalise your complaint you will need to access the guidance in our HE complaints policy. If following your complaint/appeal to the college you feel that our regulations have not been applied properly or procedures followed incorrectly, The Office of the Independent Adjudicator (OIA) can consider whether the decision made by ourselves was fair and reasonable. More information can be found here. Terms and Conditions/Policies and ProceduresPlease ensure the terms and conditions you are issued at the offer stage are retained for your reference. Policies and procedures to support you during your studies can be found via the link below. During the year it may be necessary to make minor changes to our Terms and Conditions/Policies and Procedures. We will advise you of any such changes once you have accepted an offer with us and update our website accordingly. HE Regulatory InformationRegulatory information can be found via the following link. |