Uniformed Services
You need to be ambitious, dedicated, determined and looking for a fast-paced and rewarding career using your strengths in self-discipline, team working and problem-solving skills to fulfil a vital role in society. The public services sector offers a range of careers at the heart of our community, to help and protect the public, from Prison Officer to Highways Agency. However, the majority choose the Armed Forces, Fire Brigade, Police or Nursing. Positions often hold great responsibility and job security is generally high, with the potential to advance further within your field.
Our action-packed Level 2 and Level 3 Diplomas aim to enhance a range of academic and physical skills to develop confidence and the technical skills to go straight into one of the services or a university course. The courses include work experience, residential trips and outdoor activities, including camping, hill walking and navigation, abseiling and climbing. You will also have the opportunity to take part in a detailed and challenging physical activity programme.